Thursday, September 27, 2012

And We're Off!

     Although my eyelids are propped open with toothpicks, I can hardly express my excitement at finally arriving in Germany! I was a bit worried….I tend to jump into things with both feet only to realize the full repercussions of my decision once I land. However, so far so good!
     The flight went like clockwork. Our temporary flat is cozy and comfortable. The weather is cool and rainy. If Pierce and Gretel sleep tonight.....…that will be the candle on top of an already iced cake!
Settled in for a long ride.
Waiting in Baltimore.....our tired lil' man.

The happiest camper!

Silly we wait for our flat.

Not here but a day and Pierce is sporting a bum eye.

Literally: scaling the walls!


     Cemeteries seem like places elderly people stop to pay their respects. I certainly never imagined I would regularly visit a graveyard. Yet, here I am….towering above a small granite plaque; my eyes searching the sky for a glimpse of heaven. As the lump grows in my throat, tears seem to spring from an endless supply. My heart is heavy with sadness. Theresa….I love you….I miss you. 


Monday, September 17, 2012

The Terrible Trio

     With the Twins and Pierce reunited, this month has been a whirlwind of intense moments. So….Mom and I decided to make a game plan in order to survive the month. Each morning we take turns watching the four kids while the other goes on a jog to the end of the road. This morning this is what insued:

     Once Mom took off, I marched the kids down stairs to tear apart the toy closet. Within ten minutes Lincoln Logs were strewn over the floor, a make shift slide had been created off the sofa and the basement echoed with escalating squeals. As I watched the commotion, I stood swaying back and forth with Gretel….trying to induce sleep considering her nap time was approaching. Momentarily, my phone rang and it was Alex who just HAD to talk to me about selling the Land Rover.

     As I listened to Alex carry on, I watched Pierce head out the door for the trampoline. Anya trailed after him, only a few steps behind. However, since it was rather windy out, Anya’s jumping enthusiasm quickly faded and soon she meandered back to the basement door. She flung the door wide open, lingering on the threshold….not sure whether she should brave the wind to jump or play within the security of the living room. Meanwhile, Colette started crying because gusts of wind where whipping through the basement.

     “Anya close the door. Colette stop crying…..Gretel, my sweet heart, go to sleep…..sorry Alex…..what were you saying?” Finally, the door shut and the whining died down for a few brief moments until Pierce decided it was time to come in. Once again the door burst open and Pierce blew over the landing, booking it towards the sofa. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw his feet fly up in the air as his butt hit the floor with a loud thud. I whipped around to see Colette guiltily standing in the corner with no pants on, Pierce curiously eyeing the poop on the bottom of his feet and Anya looking on with bewilderment. Ah..............the delightful moments of child rearing!


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Buddha Man

I don't know exactly how this got time Pierce likes to be sausage wrapped in a towel. He then proceeds to totter around the house showing off. The best is when he challenges the stairs. On occasion he makes it to the top, but most often I find him helplessly keeled over in his straight jacket crying to be rescued.