Saturday, January 26, 2013


It seems as though I am always writing about Pierce's oddities....but thats just because there are so many. He is the only little boy I have ever seen pick up his own toys without being prompted. I never even taught him! Pierce tends to be a bit OCD, like his mother I suppose. He is a shape, color, counting fiend. Actually, we are pretty impressed how well he knows his numbers; moreover, can associate numbers with objects. So although he is a bit liguistically challenged, we have not lost all hope!

Pierce's orange eating ritual: He peels the orange, pulls apart the segments, lines them up in a row, then proceeds to eat them from front to back.

Gretel's lastest achievement: waving!

Maria, she doesn't look like Isabelle in these pics. But I will find one to post and see what you think.

Looks are deceiving. I am in a pretty sore mood. Visiting the dentist and hearing I need a root canal isn't the most exillerating news. And I am a flossing fanatic! Grrrr.................the consequence of a sweet tooth.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Tractor Buddies

A Bag of Spinach

 I threw a full bag of spinach on the table to mix in with our salad. Between Alex and Pierce.....and six helpings later....the bag was almost gone. Alex says, "Put it away before we eat it all. I'm gonna be sick." ?????? 
Spinach!!! I mean, if it was Roxie and Cheetos I could understand.....but spinach?


A few days go Alex and I had it out over....oh....I cant remember now. But I do specifically remember, as he rolled over and fell asleep, snapping, "Don't bring me a pastry in the morning and say sorry because I wont accept it!"

A day later..............why does a girl's heart melt when her man sweeps through the door with a bouquet of flowers and a big kiss? I might never know. As hard as I tried to stay angry with Alex....I simply couldn't.