Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Apartment Life

Ah….the transition from a house to an apartment:  no yard and a tad small. However, on the up side it forces us to adventure out of the house. One excursion we have enjoyed is walking The Shops at La Cantera. Most people wander the strip of boutiques to buy expensive clothes and enjoy fine dining. Not us! We go at the crack of dawn before the stores open.  This way Pierce can push the stroller where ever he wants and I don’t have to fret about collisions aimed at wary shoppers.
Mornings have been passed at Funtastic Playland, afternoons at the pool and evenings at the ice cream store. Not to mention we have cable! Although we are not TV junkies….or shall I say I am not a TV junkie….it was sweet to have during the Olympics.

Pierce was in awe of the gymnastics!

Birthday breakfast in bed.....well....almost in bed!